This one is Ye'abesha Gomen (pg 109), Mushroom Tibs (pg 95), and Ethiopian Millet (pg 78). Would you believe this serving of collards (greens) has the same amount of calcium as a serving of cow's milk? I was really pleased that I was able to stop by the store and pick up some fresh ginger for all three dishes. It's so much better fresh! Does anyone else sort of like to eat ginger by itself? I was at a restaurant the other day and had vegan sushi, and in the middle of the platter there was fresh ginger in long strings. (Does anyone know how to get that look? It was so pretty!) I kept eating the ginger plain, so some of my family members decided to follow my lead. They made some pretty strange faces leading me to believe that I am abnormal.

That soup sounds amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!