Sunday, June 19, 2011

(Chickpeas * 2) + Vegan Junk Food = Delight

Let me walk you through this equation. First, I made Forty-Clove Chipckpeas & Broccoli (pg125):
This was nice and garlicky, but there just wasn't quite enough of it. Also, the recipe called for smashed garlic cloves, but I used minced garlic because I already had some on hand. I don't suppose that would change the taste, but it might change the texture?

Next, I had chickpeas again in this dish:
This is an up close & personal picture of my left over Everyday Chickpea-Quinoa Salad (pg 16). I have made this salad a few times but am just now remembering to post it. It's a good quick dinner if you already have some cooked, cooled quinoa on hand. So each time I make something with this grain, I make double the amount to take care of dinner the next night & lunch the following day. The Balsamic Vinaigrette (pg 17) is sometimes more work than I want (Actually, it's super easy but it involves a food processor which means more dishes.), so I just do a basic vinaigrette of oil, balsamic vinegar, a little salt, and a little sugar or agave nectar. (Note to my non-vegan friends who still haven't tried agave: CLICK ON THE LINK!)

Last, I had a junk food night. That's right, vegans still crave cheese burgers and onion rings. We don't miss out. I had intended to make Chipotle Lentil Burgers (pg 123). Unfortunately, this recipe is super finicky, and I wasn't able to find some of the essentials - canned lentils namely. The recipe had specified that you must use store bought bread crumbs. The only ones I could find were Japenese. I'm not sure if they would work or not. Since I had them on hand (I bought them before I realized I couldn't make the burgers), I used them for the onion rings. The onion rings were a real pain to make. Was it the bread crumbs I had or me? I'm not sure. The majority of the crumbs vacated the onions in the transport to the oven. Pictured are the best ones. Nevertheless, they were scrumptious, and I will probably make them again. As for the burger, this is an Amy's Bistro Burger, with Vegan Cheddar Soy Cheese, and Vegenaise all of which I purchased at Fred Meyer. The fry sauce I made using Vegenaise & ketchup. The best part, this came to about 700 calories. What would it be non-veganized?

I am delighted in my work and in knowing that no animals were harmed in the process.


  1. I so heart the 40-clove chickpeas and broccoli. It's one of my favorites. I also usually have a jar of minced garlic hanging around in the 'fridge, cuz I'm lazy that way, but I always go out of the way to make sure I use the smashed garlic cloves here in this dish. I think it does make a difference in flavor. The flavor of the roasted whole(ish) cloves develops differently than minced garlic, I think. It's a sweeter, mellow-er, but still totally garlicky taste. And the big chunks give you that pow-factor every few bites, instead of being uniformly distributed through the dish. I'm sure it is also delicious with minced garlic, but in a different way! :-)

  2. I will definitely do that next time. Being a garlic lover I can imagine euphoria! :)
