Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So here are 6 more recipes I recently tried...

First we have Creamy Mushroom Fettuccine (pg 188). The word "creamy" is in the name, so you know I loved this recipe. The only thing I found to be missing was nutritional yeast. Dust the finished product with a little, and the dish will be perfect.

This next one is spaghetti with Mom's Marinara (pg 193) with Herb-Roasted Cauliflower & Bread Crumbs (pg 108). The sauce was actually pretty close to how I usually make spaghetti sauce. My struggle with the cauliflower was I couldn't get the crumbs to stick. I made sure the pieces were damp, but there was just no stickin' happenin'. I ended up just sprinkling most of it on once the cauliflower was on the pan. Even though I struggled, I ended up eating nearly the entire batch by myself in one sitting because it was so yummy!

Here we have a Boca Burger alongside Pasta Salad with White Beans (pg 49) and Strawberry Spinach Salad (pg 51). It was like dealing with a preschooler trying to get Steven to eat the Strawberry Salad. He tells me over and over again how much he hates sweet/fruity salad. I was thankful that he had one serving and happily ate the leftovers alone. We both enjoyed the pasta salad. The fennel really gave it an extra kick, and the walnuts added to the texture.

Last is Caesar Salad with Eggplant Bacon (pg 42). Although the eggplant didn't look anything like bacon nor did it taste much like bacon, This is one of my new favorite salads. I finally found liquid smoke at the grocery store sitting with all the barbeque sauces. (Thanks for the tip, Mom!) Liquid smoke made the eggplant taste exactly how the name would make you assume - as if it had cooked right on the grill. The Caesar Chavez Dressing (pg 43) was a little strong for me. I'm not sure if it was the capers or the shallots, but I will use a little less next time. Don't you just love its name though?! I also think I will add to this salad next time. Maybe some vegan croutons perhaps?

By the way, be watching for a big announcement in the next couple days.


  1. those all look pretty good! what's a boco burger though?!

  2. oh, and what's the "cream" in the first one?

  3. Check out Boca burgers here: http://www.bocaburger.com/default.aspx. You can find them in any grocery store. As for your second question, I will enter you into the drawing for your chance to discover that answer! :)
